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CSWIP 3.2 Summary



Temperature are divided in two groups follows
- Upper Critical Temperature ( 880 – 920 deg. C ): Annualizing; Normalizing; Quenching
- Lower Critical Temperature( <730 deg. C):  Preheat; PWHT; Tempering; Recovery
- PWHT, Term “ local” - heat treatment a partial equipment or weld joint; “ Global ” = heat treatment whole equipment
  • PWHT soaking: decrease yield strength, decrease residual stress, and then increase yield strength (<100%).
  • PWHT effect: toughness increase, hardness decrease, residual stress decrease, tensile decrease, not completely remove residual stress.
  • Tempering: follows Quenching.
Note: purpose and effective heat treatment see in study book.


1. MMA (111) process
Electrode type: Cellulose (0, 1), Rutile (2,3,4) Basic (5,6,8).
  • Cellulose never baking, 
  • Rutile only drying at 90 – 120 degree C; 
  • Basic shall be baked at 350 deg. C and then drying at 150 degree C before using (4hours).

2. TIG (141) process
  • Lowest hydrogen content.
  • Slope-in occurs tungsten inclusion, slope-out occurs crater crack (shrink crack).
  • Zirconated electrode(non-consumable) suitable for Aluminum, only AC current; Thoriated electrode suitable carbon steel.

3. MIG/MAG (131/135) process
  • Dip transfer for thin plate; give lack of fusion and spatters.
  • Pulse transfer for small weld pool and all positions.
  • Spray transfer for thick plate, flat, horizontal; give no spatter, less distortion.
  • Globular transfer given high distortion, only with CO2

4. SAW (121) process
  • Fusion: hydroscopic, restrict moisture, no baking
  • Agglomerate: sensitive moisture, baking before use, easy add more elements, good quality.
  • Given high deposit rate, less distortion, high dilution.

5. Current and Polarity 
  • DC EP: MMA, FCAW, MIG/MAG, SAW prefer, given highest penetration, narrow weld bead, lowest deposited metal.
  • AC: Balance 50:50, weld bead normal, deposit weld metal normal, suitable with Aluminum and aluminum alloy.
  • DC EN: TIG process, avoid tungsten inclusion, Lower penetration, wide weld bead, highest deposit metal.

  • Avoid arc below by changing DC to AC.
  • Inverter changes DC to AC; Rectifier changes AC to DC.
  • MMA welding process and welding consumables are most suitable application to compare with other process.
  • MIG/MAG most used DCEP, MIG suitable with Al, Ni, its alloy, stainless steel.
  • Flat characteristic = constant voltage, current = wire feed speed, for automatic, semiauto, MIG, MAG, SAW (less than 1000A).
  • Drop characteristic = constant current, control arc length by welder, manual, for TIG, MMA.
  • Arc length = arc voltage = arc gap, effect to weld profiles; increase arc length > increase weld bead, decrease penetration, unstable arc, susceptible hydrogen entrap.
  • In SAW process: increase arc voltage > increase flux consumption; susceptible solidification crack (depth to width ratio >1.5), less dilution by change DCEP to DCEN (for cladding/surfacing).
  • Remember welding process number of 111, 121, 131, 135, 136

1. Ductile
  • Reduce area, plastic deformation (permanent deformation).
  • Surface roughness, torn surface, 45 degree shearing slip.

2. Brittle
  • Low temperature, occur at subzero temperature.
  • Fast at the speed of sound.
  • Flat, roughness, not torn.
  • Crystalline appearance.
  • Stress

3. Fatigue
  • Cycle loading, load below yield stress, slow propagation.
  • Chevron mark, initiation point.
  • Surface smooth, beach mark, curve.
  • Initial point from the defects.

  • Understanding term of “quantitative test” and “qualitative test” has detailed in the study book.
  • Definitions of each mechanical test such tensile, CVN, bending test …
  • Which method use for WPS qualification, such transverse tensile test, CVN, macro, micro, bend test, hardness test.
  • Which method use for welder qualification, such fillet weld fracture test, butt weld nick-break test (alternative RT).
  • Which method use for welding consumables, such all tensile test.
Tensile test
  • All tensile test for welding consumable to measure tensile, yield strength and elongation (gauge length 50 mm)
  • Transverse tensile test to measure tensile strength of weld joint.
  • Elongation determine using gauge length for all tensile test; reduced cross section for transverse test and Z through thickness test.
  • Re, Rm, unit, elastic, necking, plastic statement should note from study book.
  • Related TS, YS, Elongation and %C graphic should note from the study book.

Bending test
  • Diameter of former (typical 4T), if former (OD) less than 4T may cause wrongly results.
  • Bending test formed at 180 degrees.
  • Side bend test for material >= 13 mm, face bend and root bend for material <13 mm (cap or root may be flushed to remove stress.

  • Why Rockwell diamond cone hardness test not allowed testing on product weld, because it made initiation point.

Impact test
  • Transition range definition should note from study book.
  • CTOD test measures material properties – toughness fracture (quantitative test type)

Macro and Micro test
  • Marco test to detect the defects (5x-10x magnification).
  • Micro test to detect defects and grain structure (100x – 1000x magnification)
OtherAdvantage and disadvantage should note from study book.


  • Single sided preparation (V, bevel) gives high distortion, required high skill welder and more deposited weld metal.
  • Double sided preparation (V, U, bevel) and single sided (U, J) give less distortion and less deposited weld metal.
  • A U-, J-preparation susceptible solidification because of high depth to width ratio.
  • Set-on nozzle: susceptible lamellar tearing (after welding), difficult to UT, limits access from outside.
  • Set-out nozzle: not occur lamellar tearing, easy access both sides, easy UT
  • SAW very hard to weld with opening root gap.
  • Reduction of bevel angle may result in a risk of lack of fusion and would not compliant with the specification.


Solidification cracks
  • Another name: is hot crack, hot shortness, centerline.
  • Factor effect: high tensile stress, Sulphur, joint design (dept to width radio).
  • Single-U preparation are susceptible to hot cracks
  • Occur only on centerline of weld metal only, star crack (stop weld).
  • NDT method detect solidification crack: visual and both surface/volumetric.
  • Another name is cold cracking, HAZ crack.
  • Factors: CEV, Temperature, Stress, Hydrogen = occur the same time.
  • Occur on weld metal, HAZ (weld zone).
  • Austenitic stainless steel does not occur HICC.
Lamellar tearing
  • Other name is step line appearance, occur on base metal only, underneath or subsurface, can’t detect by MT/PT, least effect RT (due to perpendicular with the beam), good detect by UT with 0-degree probe (straight, zero, normal probe).
  • Occur on T-Y-K or Conner joint only.
  • Lamellar tearing occurs only on set-on joint.
Factor and avoid cracking see in study book.


  • Do not confuse when weld joint subject to repair or cut-out.
  • Cut-out: crack defect, second repair, exceed 25% circumferential weld length.
  • Weld repair procedure must approve before commencing.


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