Scopes ASTM A234: specification for piping fitting of wrought carbon steel and alloy steel for moderate and high-temperature service. Ordering information and general requirement sees ASTM A960. Material __Killed steel, forging, bars, plates, seamless or fusion-welded tubular product with filler added. “fusion-welded tubular with filler added: SAW, GTAW (filler add), GMAW”. MTC shall be cleared marking specification number, grades and date. __If product comply another standard like, the MTC shall be stated test value, “ex. NACE MR 0175, MTC shall state hardness value, forming and heat treatment, read more in NACE MR0175 part 1, 2, 3. Manufacture __Forging or shaping operation by cold and hot forming. __NDE may be performed either prior to or after forming on welded product. __NDE reports must state in the MTC and available review by purchase. Heat treatment __Heat treatment shall be performed after forming, see para. 7 on ASTM A960 __ASTM A234 WPB most finished by normalizing, Annualiz...